Many students finding the class nine annual exam question papers for different purposes. Previous years question paper helps a lot to prepare for upcoming exam, It also helps to get the idea of question patterns.
If you want to get the class nine final exam question papers then you came to the right website. In this post you will get the Class nine all subjects question papers. You can download the papers in PDF format on your device.

Class Nine Exam Details-
Class nine is the important class for a student career. Because after this class, the student has to prepare for 10th final exam which is also known as Matric exam. Almost every school has conducted class nine exams at the end of the year. In this class students have students have to study different subjects such as- English, science, hindi, Mathematics, Social science, Sanskrit etc. Here the question paper is of 100 marks and the pass mark is 30.
Also Read- Class 8 maths question paper.
Class Nine Question paper details-
Language | English |
Source | Kendriya vidyalaya |
Region | Patna |
Total marks | 70 |
How To download Class 9 Question papers-
Step 1: Scroll down the website and you can see that all subjects name of class nine.
Step 2: You can see Click Here option beside the every subject.
Step 3: Just touch on the click here button and you can easily download the question papers.
After downloading those files are saved in your device. You can print out the question papers PDF on a computer shop.
Class Nine Question Papers PDF-
English | Click Here |
Hindi | Click Here |
Science | Click Here |
Mathematics | Click Here |
Social science | Click Here |
Sanskrit | Click Here |
Last Few Lines-
Hope these question paper help you in your career. Every states may have different Education board council, If your state board council have different syallabus then you can contact us for your queries. We will personally provide you those question papers to your mail.
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Read More- HSLC science question paper 2022.